Overview… testbeds and the navigation area of the XenaManager


The same instance of the XenaManager can control any number of testers, at any number of geographical locations, with any combination of chassis types, module types, and port types, collectively called resources.


Only a subset of the available ports of each tester may be relevant to a particular test application. The actual collection of testers and test ports is called a testbed. The XenaManager supports multiple testbeds for working on different projects, but only one testbed is opened at a time.


Note that a testbed is just a designated list of ports, and in itself does not carry any configuration of those ports. The actual configuration of all the ports in a testbed is called a test case. There will typically be many test cases for a particular testbed.



On the left side in the XenaManager is the navigation area which shows the testbeds and the collection of resources belonging to the currently open testbed:


Xena testbedexplorer Navigation area, testbeds


You can left-click the resources to select them, or right-click on them to bring up a menu.



There is an alternative graphical view of the resources of the current testbed, shown if you select the “Testbed view” tab above the navigation area:


Xena testbedview Navigation area, testbeds


This is fully equivalent to the “Testbed explorer”, and you can left-click and right-click the chassis, modules, and test ports in the same way.


Working with testbeds

Test cases


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Navigation area, testbeds