Overview… test cases


Port configurations can be saved and loaded one at a time using the XenaManager


It is also possible to save and load the configurations of all the ports of a testbed in a single operation. Such a compound configuration is called a test case:


Xena menutestcase Test cases


There will typically be multiple test cases using a particular testbed, with a particular physical hook-up to run different test scenarios.



Like for individual port configurations, test cases use a simple text file format that exploits the scripting syntax:


Xena filetestcase Test cases


A test case contains configurations for a specific collection of ports, namely those belonging to the current testbed when it was saved. 



Before loading a test case all the ports must be reserved. This can be done as a single operation:


Xena menureserveall Test cases



When a test case is loaded using the XenaManager, it makes a number of checks that those ports actually belong to the current testbed, are duly reserved, etc. As the parameters are being loaded into the various chassis the XenaManager produces a summary of the operation:


Xena loadtestcase Test cases





Saving and loading

Port configuration files


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Test cases