Overview… packet header


The header portion of the packets of a stream has a fixed size, which is partitioned into a number of protocol segments. In the XenaManager the header is created and edited using the packet editor which is simply a horizontal strip showing the list of protocol segments:


Xena panelpacket Header


The name of each protocol segment is shown as a label along the top of the strip. The first protocol segment will always be the standard 6+6+2-byte Ethernet header.



Below each protocol label you can edit the raw byte content of this protocol segment in hexadecimal format. You can hide or show the hexadecimal boxes using the little arrows right of the protocol labels.


You can also click on the protocol label, which brings up a field-by-field display of the contents of this protocol segment. This allows you to view and edit the fields individually, in a way that in appropriate to their types:


Xena dialogcontent Header



You add and remove protocol segments by clicking the “Add” and “X” buttons in the right corner of the packet editor strip. Pressing “Add” gives you a choice of built-in protocols to choose from:


Xena dialogprotocol Header


If you need to insert an un-supported protocol segment you can add a fixed-size custom segment by just specifying its length. You will then be able to view and edit this segment at the byte-by-byte level. 


If you have added an IPv4 protocol segment, then there are buttons to send ARP and PING requests to the network in order to build and verify a proper packet header.


The combined length of all the protocol segments of the header is shown at the right end of the packet editor strip.


Hexadecimal input


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