Overview… 40/100G PRBS testing


The physical lanes of a 40 or 100 Gbps port can also be put into PRBS mode, where they transmit a pseudo-random bit pattern which can be useful for testing physical cabling and connectors.



On the transmit side, you select whether each lane should be in PRBS mode, and also whether it should be subject to error injection:


Xena cauitxprbs PRBS testing


Errors can be injected individually by clicking a button, or continuously by specifying a rate. Error injection also works for lanes that are not in PRBS mode, and can thus be used to simulate bit-level errors into the CAUI level.



On the receive side, you can see whether each physical lane has locked onto the PRBS pattern, and the number of bit errors while in PRBS lock:


Xena cauirxprbs PRBS testing


40/100G configuration

40/100G CAUI testing


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PRBS testing